Junior Racketlon Development Officer for Each FIR Member Country

The FIR has recently contacted all of its member countries asking them to name a person or persons to be their junior racketlon development officer. They would become the FIR’s main point of contact for their country for our new project to help develop junior racketlon.

Anyone who has a particular interest in helping to develop junior racketlon – teachers, sports coaches, parents, club owners, government (local or national) etc – please get in contact with your National Racketlon Federation to find out more about the position, about the project and how you can get involved.

The FIR, alongside the European Racketlon Union, wants to work closely with as many of our member countries as possible to introduce a new, universal system for junior racketlon, starting with kids of 7 years old (further details below). Developing good, effective communication with a network of junior racketlon development officers across all our countries will help hugely in getting this project underway successfully.

It has the potential to open up many funding and sponsorship opportunities for our member countries as well as other income streams like summer camps and training programmes. But most importantly, it has the potential to dramatically increase long-term Racketlon participation.

Each FIR Member Country has been asked to name their junior development officer(s) to the FIR before Wed 6th January.

Please contact duncan.stahl@racketlon.net for any further information.

‘Racketlon School’ & ‘Racketlon Kids’: A New Way Forward for Junior Racketlon

The FIR, in partnership with the European Racketlon Union, is excited to launch a new project to promote and encourage new versions of junior Racketlon. This is to make the sport more accessible and fun for kids from younger age groups starting at 7 years old.

Versions of Racketlon have been developed aimed at making it far easier to introduce into schools so that it can be played and enjoyed inside a standard school gymnasium. Alternative versions of Racketlon have also been developed aimed more at sports clubs where there are more facilities and where there could be great opportunities to involved Racketlon as part of kits coaching programmes and summer camps.

Developing a universal system that uses different sized courts, balls, rackets and scoring systems in order to make Racketlon far more enjoyable for kids to play and also far easier for schools and clubs to introduce, is vital to the general growth of junior Racketlon.

Please have a look at the presentation below which outlines all the details behind these new versions and the two different systems aimed at schools: Racketlon School and at clubs: Racketlon Kids.

Youth Concept Presentation

Duncan Stahl / FIR President

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