All Racketlon tournaments have classes for different levels of ability: from beginners trying the sport for the first time right up to experienced, elite players. There are also junior and seniors classes at every tournament.
So Tournaments are designed for everyone to be able to enter and play, against opponents of similar levels and always in a fun and welcoming environment.
Which Class Should I Enter?
The different classes represent different abilities, with A players representing the best Racketlon players. A rough guide to each class is as follows:
A – Elite – Players are generally (as a minimum) a good team club standard or higher across all 4 sports.
B – Players are generally a good team club standard at 2 sports and regularly training in the other two sports.
C – Players will be a good team club standard at one sport and regularly training at two of the other sports.
D – Players will be social players in one of the sports with some limited experience in some but not all the other sports.
World Tour Licence
Every player needs a Player Licence in order to play an official World Tour event. This is EUR 15 for a single tournament per year, or EUR 40 for an annual licence, allowing multiple tournaments per year. It is paid online through Tournament Software prior to entering your first World Tour event of the year. Each tournament then has its own entry fee per class entered.