The last round of the FIR Development Fund saw the FIR give EUR5000 to fund a variety of different Racketlon projects in Norway, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, Hungary and Ireland.
The next round of funding is now open and another EUR5000 will be given by the FIR to fund more development projects.
We are now inviting applications for different amounts (see below) depending on the scope and size of your potential projects:
EUR2’000 – EUR1’500 – EUR1’000 – EUR500
Members of the Racketlon community (either a FIR Country Member federation, or a group supported by a member federation) can apply for one of these funding amounts, outlining how their project would use the funds to grow Racketlon in their region or country.
An independent FIR Development Fund Committee will assess the applications and administer the funds.
What projects are we looking to fund?
As a guide, the FIR Development Fund Committee will seek to fund ideas/projects which:
Increase Racketlon awareness & participation
Will the idea get more players playing Racketlon? Does the idea help to increase the awareness of Racketlon?
Examples of getting more players playing:
– Tournaments, organised clubs, summer camps etc
– Any organised events with a strong emphasis to introduce new players
– Increased female participation (all age categories)
– Increased junior participation (u18’s and younger; school programmes) and increased university participation
– Team events (have proved to be the most effective vehicle to find new players)
Examples to increase awareness of Racketlon:
– Online awareness campaigns using well managed social media channels, targeted paid ads / boosts etc. with simple messaging. EG: “What is Racketlon”, “Why is Racketlon so great to play”, “Where can I play” etc
– Getting journalists, influencers, celebrities, pro sportsmen/women talking about
Racketlon to their online followers.
If you would like to apply for funding please download the application form at this link: FIR Development Fund Application Form and send your completed form to
The deadline to receive all completed forms in this round of applications is 30th April 2024.
All successful applicants will be notified by the end of May 2024 and will receive funds by the end of June 2024.
Please also send any questions to