Racketlon’s Quiz Week 1: Wednesday, March 25th @ 19:00CET

As announced by FIR President Duncan Stahl in his statement on Tuesday, we will be starting a weekly quiz live on Racketlon’s Facebook page.

Racketlon Quiz – How Does it Work?

Each round will take place every Wednesday for the foreseeable future, with prizes on offer for the winner.

The first quiz, this week on Wednesday 25th March, will take place at 18:00GMT/19:00CET. While the time may slightly change in future weeks, it will always be on Wednesday and will almost always be around this time.

One of the FIR team will be hosting the quiz each week, with Duncan Stahl in charge of this week’s debut edition.

It will feature some racketlon questions but will also have plenty of questions about other sports and topics.

Racketlon Quiz – What are the Rules?

So what are the rules of our racketlon quiz and how is it going to work?

Each week, the quiz host will read out 10 questions that make up the round.

You will write down your answers to the questions and then submit them by email to our scorer, Sam Barker at barker.sam@hotmail.co.uk.

Once the Livestream is over we will also post the questions in the comments on Facebook, on Instagram and on Racketlon.net.

However, in order to encourage you all to watch the live question reveal on Facebook, there are two sets of bonus points available.

Firstly, the first three people to submit their answers to Sam will all receive bonus points. The first person to submit will receive three bonus points, the second to submit will receive two bonus points, and the third will receive one bonus point.

Secondly, the host of the quiz on Facebook will also reveal one bonus question at the end of the Livestream. The first viewer to comment with the correct answer in the video comments will receive two bonus points.

There will be a small prize for the winner of each weekly quiz which will be announced on Friday, 48 hours later.

However, in order to reward players who take part each week, there will also be a large prize for the overall winner once it comes to an end in the future.

So want to test your knowledge and win some prizes? Tune into the first round of Racketlon’s Weekly Quiz on Facebook on Wednesday 25th March at 18:00GMT/19:00CET to get involved!

Good luck!

Sam Barker / FIR Media Officer

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