All FIR Tournaments Cancelled Until the End of April

After a very long day of talking to a lot of different people, organisations and fellow international federations, we have come to the very difficult decision to cancel all scheduled FIR tournaments until the end of April. The rapid global spread of Covid-19 means we face an unprecedented situation where severely restricted travel and other containment measures introduced by governments across the world simply means that sport will need to take a back seat for a while.

As with all our fellow international sports federations, this has not been a decision we have taken lightly – our tournaments and our world tour are the lifeblood of our sport and we thank all of our promoters and tournament directors for their professionalism and understanding.

These tournaments have now been cancelled:

CHA Nick Matthew Steel City Open          20th – 22nd March

Doubles World Championships, Prague 2nd & 3rd April

IWT Czech Open, Prague                            4th & 5th April

Massachusetts Racket Masters, USA       11th & 12th April

We will continue to monitor the situation daily and as soon as we get more news about future tournaments after the end of April we will publish that information immediately.

We genuinely appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding at what is clearly a very difficult time…

All the very best to our global racketlon community.

Duncan Stahl / FIR President

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