What is the EUR10 Last-Minute Entry Fee?

You may have seen the phrase “EUR10 Last-Minute Entry Fee” on a lot of racketlon articles and social media posts recently. What exactly is the EUR10 Last Minute Entry Fee?

What is the EUR10 Last-Minute Entry Fee?

Simply put, the EUR10 Last-Minute Entry Fee is a 10 euro fee for any players entering in the last 28 days before the tournament entry deadline.

The EUR10 Last-Minute Entry Fee was introduced with the 1.1.2018 regulations. It is not new and has already been used several times, mostly at previous World Championships. However, in 2020 most tournaments will be enforcing this EUR10 Last-Minute Entry Fee.

Why is the EUR10 Last-Minute Entry being used more now?

The reason for the use of the EUR10 Last-Minute Entry is to encourage players to enter tournaments as early as possible. The earlier tournament directors know roughly how many players are coming to the tournament, the more time they have to ensure the tournament runs perfectly.

Here’s FIR President Duncan Stahl explaining why the changes are being implemented this year.

“We really need a change of attitude from players. If you know which tournaments you are going to play in, please enter them online as soon as possible. Remember, it is always possible to withdraw your entry at a later date.

“Some players seem to want to wait to enter until some other players have also entered. If everyone did this then we would be in big trouble!

“Entering early is a big help to our hard-working tournament directors. It helps the FIR and lastly, it helps you, the players, from missing out on tournaments if they become full quickly.”

That is why it has been introduced. If you enter in advance, and over 28 days before then you will avoid paying the extra 10 euros.

So it would be great if you now went to fir.tournamentsoftware.com and enter all the tournaments you know you are going to in 2020 who have their online entry open already.

Sam Barker / FIR Media Officer

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