Last Chance to Enter the Popular 2019 IWT Czech Open

Want to play in the hugely popular 2019 IWT Czech Open? This is your final chance to register with entry closing on Monday 25th March at 11:59 pm CET.

The always-superb tournament already has 115 players competing from 16 countries.

There are 32 different classes available for entry ensuring players of all ages and abilities can enter the tournament.

The tournament takes place at the Sport Centre HECTOR in Prague from the 5th to 7th of April.

Why you should enter the 2019 IWT Czech Open

Over the last 15 years, the Czech Open has established itself as one of the most popular events on the FIR World Tour.

This year is set to be no exception with a fantastic tournament lined up for all participants.

Experienced Tournament Director Svatopluk Rejthar wants to see as many of the racketlon community in Prague as possible.

“As organisers of this tournament we care deeply about your interest in our event and we make the maximum effort in order to prepare everything to the highest standard,” he says.

“This year’s venus is in the Hector Sport Centre, which proved itself in last year’s tournament as well as in the European Championship in 2015.

Windischberger, Seehofer and Schopf at last year’s medal ceremony (Credit: Czech Racketlon Association)

“Besides the competition, there will also be two separate prize ceremonies. The first will be on Saturday where the winners of the doubles categories will be announced.

“On Saturday evening there will also be a traditional dinner with the best Czech beer, Pilsner Urquell, served for free for all attendants. There will also be a disco and players party.

“The second prize giving ceremony will take place on Sunday, at the end of the tournament, where the winners of singles will be crowned.

“For the juniors and seniors over 65, there is also a discounted starting fee.

“Come to the Czech Open to experience not only the competition but also the beautiful city of Prague.”

IWT Czech Open
The exciting new Seniors Showdown will make its debut at the 2019 Czech Open!

The Brand New Seniors Showdown Launches in Prague

The Czech Open also boasts the launch of the Seniors Showdown. This exciting new initiative has been introduced in 2019 to make racketlon more affordable and enjoyable for the +65 and +70 age classes.

This will see a reduction in entry fees for these players with more information available here.

More information can be found out about the tournament here including information about travel, accommodation, scheduling and much more: 2019 IWT Czech Open Information.

If you have any further questions about the tournament then you can contact Tournament Director Svatopluk Rejthar on

IWT Czech Open tournament entry is open to all age and ability classes here.

The full 2019 FIR World Tour is available here.

Sam Barker / FIR Media Officer

Image Credit / Czech Racketlon Association

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