The FIR have taken the important step of setting up a new team who will act as official Player Representatives. Their role will be to represent the interests of the playing community and improve the communication between the players and the FIR Council.
While it is impossible to keep everyone happy all of the time, we can definitely make the communication between the players and the FIR much more effective – so that ideas and suggestions can be shared, problems reported and opinions asked about important new developments.
The new Player Representatives will be:
Dan Busby
Natalie Paul
Hans Van Daele
If players need to report any problems, grievances or issues please contact any of the team above who will happily help – they will keep any communication strictly confidential and players can remain anonymous when their issues are discussed with the Council.
Please do also contact one of the Player Representatives if you have any ideas or suggestions (however big or small) for Racketlon – the FIR Council are very open to suggestions and are very keen to use the wide range of skills and expertise that exists within our playing community.
As well as listening to and representing the players, the new team will also be in a position to inform players about what work, discussions and developments are currently happening within the Council.
Many thanks to Dan, Natalie and Hans for taking on this important new role.
Duncan Stahl / FIR Executive President