Racketlon Player Survey – We Need Your Help!

The FIR are looking to introduce a variety of new ways that Racketlon can be developed and grown as a sport. They will effect how we promote and market the sport in order to get more people talking about Racketlon and more people playing.

We also want to continually try and improve what we already have: a better tour, better tournaments and better player experiences for everyone that plays Racketlon.

A vital part of this process is to get direct feedback from the players, so over the coming months we will be undertaking a few different Player Surveys.

Each survey will only have 10 questions and will take less than 5 mins to complete. There is no need to give your name or any contact details.

Please click and complete the first player survey – your help and feedback is very important and hugely appreciated!



Duncan Stahl / FIR General Secretary

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