
Apply now for online accreditation

Our ambition is to make the 2. FIR European Racketlon Championships the largest and best organized event in the history of Racketlon! We have already told you about our courts, which will have an unprecedented quality. Another milestone will be personalized accreditations with photos that allow players to move freely within venues. The entrance to the courts will only be permitted to players and officials with tournament ID. The shuttle service, which is set up with the support of Renault Vienna between Vienna International Airport, venues and official tournament hotels, can also be used only with a valid accreditation.


How does it work?

All players must submit their data to the EURO organizing team on the accreditation-tab after entering the event on fir.tournamentsoftware.com. In addition to the contact data, a portrait photograph (maximum 2MB in JPG or PNG format) has to be uploaded. No additional costs arise for players if they apply online for accreditation! For organizational reasons, the online accreditation will be closing on August 07. at 11:59pm (Juniors / Seniors) and on August 14. at 11:59pm (Elite / Amateurs). For on-site accrediation, a service fee will be required. A service fee may also be required for incompletely filled out accreditation forms. Please double-check the information before clicking the apply-button!


One guest for free!

The tournament participants may also accredit a guest (coach, family member or friend). Accreditation of the guest must occur without exception via the online form. A guest can only apply for accreditation together with a player. Accreditation for one guests per player is also free of charge! After the player has sent the online-accreditation, no more guest can be registered! For all other guests of the tournament participants, the regular entry fees will apply.

For further information about accreditation, contact Peter Robič via E-Mail.

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